QualityStructures Alliance

We "speak" Car Wash

QualityStructures Alliance Team Member's have been involved in the design and development of car wash facilities all across North America for the past quarter-century. 

If it were only as simple as.....

Research-Based Designs, Profit-Driven Solutions

For the better part of three decades, QualityStructures has had the distinct priveledge of working with the industry's leading car wash operators, distributors and equipment manufacturers.  In addition, our Project Manager's unique ability to co-locate with our key client's at their offices has afforded us an unparalleled opportunity to collaborate with top-notch operators in the development of many of the industry's best-practices design standards that are now being employed all across the country.

So What...

While our competitors spend their days in search of the next big "what" (colored soaps, spaceship-shaped buildings, blinky lights, etc.), QualityStructures Alliance has been busy collaborating with top operators, regional distributors and international equipment manufacturers in search of answers to the bigger questions, like so what? ...so, why?  ...and so, how?

So What?

Here are some important questions you might be (or at least should be) asking:

So what...

So why.....

So how.....

Let's face it, it's not just important, IT'S VITALLY IMPORTANT to get it right the first time, especially in terms of laying out your site!  As you might imagine, it's virtually impossible to relocate one of those little buggers once we've planted your car wash in the ground.  We'll only get one shot at it, so measure twice....


Give us a call or send us an email.  We're eager to provide solutions to problems you might not have even thought of....until now!